Alas, im home bebeh~ hoho. Act, keje2 spt report n penghantaran sijil2 utk debaters yg join GSD rituh x settle abah n mama da memanggil2 ku pulg.rindu la tuh!xnk ngaku ek~ ;p So, ak blk gak la..n tekad utk ulang alik dr umah (X jauh pon.Kajang je pon) ke UPM..10 min je kalu drive pon!..
Oh ye..ak dab bjaye jumpe gambo2 sepnjg GSD berlangsung thru ntah sape2 punye album pic kt FB..Ye la.ak sgtla bz spnjg ari tuh, xde peluang pon nk snap2 gambo..sedey mak!xde kenangan..ade 2,3 ketul je muke ak..huu~ sedey2(T_T)..
Pape pon dlm penat2 n tension2...alhamdulillah la, dis year we all bjaya grab 51 teams from local U n a few international U as well. Thanx to ol of them sbb participate in dis tournament...Mmg gempak gile la GSD kali neyh..berguni2 pujian yg kami time.auuuww!hepi:D Mmg berbaloi2 la usaha kami slame hampir 8 bulan bertungkus lumus cube menjayakan GSD neyh..:')
So, here u are..I present 2 u, GSD '09 in action!;p

Neyh time welcoming reception..gempak la korg menari.auuwww!~

Motion hall..before release motion..owh yg dpn tuh..Dr. Simon yg sgt soft spoken;)

During preliminaries... UPM tuh.Sky is debating(^_^) go sky..go sky!!

Dis girl is from National University of Singapore's team (NUS)..n both of NUS team dpt ke final.Congrats!~

Bile Ms. Tasneem berhujah:)

Barisan adjudicators @ hakim..ade Surfi, Dr. Simon, Sharmila, Kandahar, Aman n other adjus yg dpt break to final!~

Our Convenor, Anthony Lee Kim Hong yg besh!~ wit Kandahar our DCA n Sharmila Parmanand, the CA for GSD '09..U r so gorgeous la Sharm:)
Okeyh. dat's ol for now..broadband sgtla lembab..ak da xsggup lg nk bersabo neyh..kene bhnt sblm ak mengamuk2 sorg diri.huh~
p/s: For those yg pelik tgk debate tournament neyh ad 4 team skali lwn...umm...dis is British Parliamentary Style..ade opening gov, closing gov, opening opposition n closing opposition..very interesting debate style! 1st time taw ak tgk neyh.sronok2!!:)
Nk tnjuk gak gambo gedik neyh;
p/s: For those yg pelik tgk debate tournament neyh ad 4 team skali lwn...umm...dis is British Parliamentary Style..ade opening gov, closing gov, opening opposition n closing opposition..very interesting debate style! 1st time taw ak tgk neyh.sronok2!!:)
Nk tnjuk gak gambo gedik neyh;
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